cute & fun

tubie tapes!

available on Etsy


for all

Kids Inspired

Patterns & Florals


customer favourites

these bestsellers never go out of style

Summer Strawberries

Cottage Core

Pink Daisies

Writing hand, one line art



custom tapes available on my Etsy store

Once you order a custom design from my shop, we will get in touch and arrange the design. You can either provide me with an image or I can create one based on your inspiration!

about me

Hi, I'm Julia, the face behind the tubie tape co! I was inspired to start up my own tubie tape company when I first had a feeding tube placed. I have been diagnosed with long-covid, which led to delayed gastric emptying. After trying to keep up my nutrition by mouth, I finally had an NJ tube placed to help me gain weight and be healthy. When I had my tube placed I didnt want the boring white tape the hospital gave me, I wanted something that could compliment my outfits and peronality! I did a quick google search and found that there wasnt much on the market that suited my tastes, especially in New Zealand where I live. I have made it my mission to create fun yet sensitive tubie tapes for all.